Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Magic Hour

5:16 a.m. and it is  still pitch dark outside. I have been up for an hour, attempting to go back to sleep. 

This is the magic hour when sleep is most delicious and waking up makes for a day of endless possibilities. What to choose? On days when I have to get going, I know sleep is the better choice. On holidays, I am up bright and early, my brain cranking up that long list of tasks that make it impossible to return to sleep. 

And there are the many discomforts that come with age. I won't listen them but at either end of the night, they will not let you sleep. 

So, early mornings. Dark. Quiet. Cooler than the rest of the day. Secret, because no one knows you are awake. A magic time that is all yours. 

What will you make of this magic? 

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